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Words Create World



 Words can be good or bad depending on how we use it. Words are meant for communicating the goodness of the Lord to us; his people. But words can be a means as well to destroy, that can lead us to misunderstand, misconception and division. Our view of word is for communication, expressing our thoughts and connecting us. In our society today there are many ways of conflict such as territorial disputes with economic interest and power; Religious issues, who is the true religion?  and other issues, all of this are basically expressed by words. Words can lead us to conflicts. A single word can make a difference from the world of others. A single word especially if it’s not true can ruin one’s reputation.


            We are bombarded by fake news meant to destroy one’s personal life by fabricating false statements against others. They are around the news and even social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were being used as a tool to spread news without concrete shreds of evidence. A challenging task for those who are working for the truth to exercise vigilance in their actions, I guess the one thing we could reflect on is how we in the Church could take radical action to stop this false news. In our society we have been hearing news from television and radios exposing someone else’s life, will it be merely political agendas or just to make its figure not good to others. Even the religious sector is not safe from these evil actions; religions are targeted by those who wanted to take over. A simple word such as ‘hypocrite’ can shake one’s faith. A simple false statement can change the whole perspective of others. It is a battle of words.

            This kind of attack is the counterpart of terrorism, such attacks to human dignity is seen as the new way of destruction. Nowadays, words can be a tool of division, either from the family, country, and religions. The church is being challenged to make a stand to fight such actions. It is an attack on human dignity; fake news has overpowered the process of justice. Several attacks were launched against clergies and bishops, Philippines a Roman Catholic country was not able to get away with it. In the past few years numbers of priests were attacked, and it is easy to ruin one’s reputation because of modern technology. Are we ready to face such allegations? Are we ready to stand for the truth and fight for the truth?

            Words are not meant to destroy but to build. Words create world some people prefer to live in lies than to face the truth. Words can create a world, and it is up to us what world we are trying to build with our words. Let us think practically, no one is immortal in this world, one day we surely end our lives, because nothing is more real than death in this world. Let me narrate you a small funny story-The world’s most expensive cars, are parked in my garage, but I am taken in a wheelchair. In this world all kinds of designs of different varieties, expensive mobiles, cloths and so on. I have a lot of money in my bank account but it is of no use to me. My house is like a five-star hotel to me but I am lying on a small bed in the hospital. I remember, I went around the world, but now I am being taken from the one lab to another hospital. There was a time when 5 hairstylists used to do my hair daily, but today I just have countable hairs in my head. There was a time I used to eat varieties of food items, but now I am taking pills to maintain my health. What does moral story is all about? It is about the people who think that all these riches of the world would save them from devastating. But it does not fall the same way we think about rich, in other words, ‘Nothing is permanent’. Then what really matters in life- it is the love, kindness, generosity, compassion that we sow in the hearts of our brothers and sisters around us. Thus, this is life, no matter how much wealth you own right now, in the end you have to leave this world and go empty handed. Tomorrow, we do not know whether we live or die, so it is our prime duty to take care of the life that we have, the way we use the words, the way we present ourselves to others, the way we reckon the seed of love, kindness, generosity and compassion to others, will forever. Final, words of this article through which I would like to conclude it; Avoid giving importance to people for money and power. Love good people, cherish those who are for you, do not hurt anyone, be good to everyone you encounter every day, because they will be always at your side, read the signs of the times and help whom you can! Hats off.




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